Technical Projects

This is a brief summary of a few of the technical projects I'm most proud of. It is by no means complete (yet).


I built a DIY camcorder out of an old security camera. This was a fun little dip into analog video and the joys of hardware video encoding. The files it generates are big and unwieldy, but this accurately preserves the charm that analog video has, especially if you count the CCD noise the camera itself introduces.

DONT FORGET TO ACTUALLY INCLUDE A VIDEO DWEEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (also dont pull it from your flickr used the uncompressed originals from the drive

The Canjet

The project that put me on the map, so to speak. I built a (frankly awful) jet engine out of a soup can and some parts from the local Home Depot. Honestly that project probably deserves an entire page but if we are beign reallistic that is a future me problem.


I've gotta find more info about this one before i write about it. RIP 2022-2024 (freak accident)