These are a few of the things I like

"You can tell a lot about someones intrests by the things they say they're interested in" - @eiatcrayons_3


Top Songs

Taking Whats Not Yours -Tv Girl
Fill In The Blank -Car Seat Headrest
Sports -Beach Bunny
Flourescent Adolescent -Arctic Monkeys
Nights Like These -Pigeon Pit
Folsom Prison Blues -Johnny Cash
PUSH UR T3MPRR -femtanyl

Top Artists

Tv Girl CSH Femtanyl Green Day Frank Sinatra Dazey and the Scouts



As of now this is pretty much just projects with extra steps

I deeply enjoy playing the guitar (even if im not very good yet)

Analog media (yea yea i know how it sounds im not huge into vinyl i just like CCD sensors & funny ways to wirelessly transmit audio/video)


I just doodle stuff sometimes


I am not great but I am improving!

Cameras: Cannon G11 PowerShot, Cannon PowerShot SD300, Sensormatic RT330CA, Sony A7III

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Silly little youtube stuff